Telehealth Consultation
Telehealth Consultation
Telehealth Consultation
Telehealth Consultation
per month
per month
β Telehealth Consultation with a Physician or Nurse Practitioner to see if you qualify.
Why are we only charging a dollar?
β οΈ Charging $1 ensures you can meet with a medical provider first and get all the information you need to make the best health decision for YOU.
β οΈ If after meeting with the healthcare provider you feel our program isn't right for you, don't worry. We'll never charge your card again.
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Slimr Semaglutide Weight Loss
Slimr Semaglutide Weight Loss
Low Dose Plan
Low Dose Plan
per month
per month
π₯15% Average Weight Loss*π₯
What's included:
β Telehealth Consultation with a Physician or Nurse Practitioner included.
β GLP-1 Medication Mailed to Your House.
β Ongoing Support from a Weight Loss Success Coach
β οΈ High Dose Plans Add $100
Slimr Tirzepatide Weight Loss
Slimr Tirzepatide Weight Loss
Low Dose Plan
Low Dose Plan
per month
per month
π 20% Average Weight Loss*π
What's included:
β Telehealth Consultation with a Physician or Nurse Practitioner included.
β GLP-1 / GIP Medication Mailed to Your House.
β Ongoing Support from a Weight Loss Success Coach
β οΈ High Dose Plans > 6mg Add $100
β οΈ Max Dose Plans > 12mg Add $200